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I had began to fantasize about her with one of the guys and sometimes while we had sex I would whisper in her ear that I was David or Mark and she would go wild clawing at me and grunting like an animal. Once I whispered would you fuck David if I got you all worked up and left you and him alone She didn’t answer but went nuts thrusting against me Cumming very good then as we laid side by side gasping for breath I asked would you and she said if you left me like that I am sure that I would. We talked about it and she admitted that she had from time to time wondered what our friends would be like in bed but that was all. I finally asked her if she was willing to try something for me and after I explained that I wanted to watch her and Dave fuck and told her that I would first contact him and make sure he wouldn’t brag about it later she would go along with it but first I had to get her in the mood. Well Dave once he decided that I was for real gladly agreed to get it on with her but he. The Doctor did his normal physical exam listening and probing various parts of Ed’s body and concluded Ed was good to go. He noted that it was ten years since Ed had a colonoscopy and recommended that Ed have one done. He gave him the information on where to call to set up an appointment to have this procedure done.Doctor Kruger said, “Do you need your prescriptions renewed?”“Yes, and can you do it to my mail pharmacy? Also, I would like for you to add a prescription for some of that ED medicine. It seems that I am in need of that now that I am getting older but I still have the opportunity of having intimate relations with women.”“No problem and I can add that to the order. Let me give you some samples of two of those medicines I have that the representatives dropped off. I can’t say if one is better than the other and will let you be the judge of that. These drugs are still expensive but a generic of one will be available in another two months. In using them you need to be careful.
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